Why Men Need Each Other’s Support

What is a men’s support organization? A men’s support group is an intimate group of men who meet to assist one another with their issues and to learn how to handle their own issues with a healthy approach. Men’s support groups exist to aid men in their personal development in mental health, happiness, satisfaction, and success. Support groups for men typically comprise […]

7 Healthy Habits for a Healthy Life

It’s a truism that most of us want to live long, happy, successful, and healthy lives. Unfortunately, in our pursuit of success we often take shortcuts with our health—and wind up suffering from various ailments and disabilities that we could have avoided. It doesn’t have to be that way at all. Though many of us live stressful, demanding lives, with […]

5 Good Eating Habits to Achieve Your Health Goals

Most of the time, health goals relate to our eating habits. When we want to lose our belly fat, we have to change the way we eat. Here are 5 good eating habits which will help us to achieve our health goals. We have goals for our relationships, careers, finance and also health. They are expressions of our inner desires […]

SMART Goals for Health and Wellness

Overview Goal setting is a great way to help children build self-confidence and help them create healthy habits. Encourage children to dream big while practicing goal-setting through small, attainable stepping stones to reach a larger focus. Use the SMART goal template to simplify the goal-setting process for children and ask them to think of all of the different things they […]

When setting diet and exercise goals, be SMART

You’ve made the decision to improve your health through nutrition and exercise. Now what? To be successful, our experts say you should start by setting specific and attainable goals. “Having a vague goal like ‘eat healthy’ or ‘exercise more’ can end in frustration, because there is no clear starting point, no way to evaluate the feasibility of the goal, and […]

Tips for Smart Health Habits

Tip #1: Think balance and moderation, not deprivation.  All foods can have a place in your diet. Instead of deciding which foods to remove from your diet, think about what you can add to your diet to make it healthier and sustainable. A balanced plate should consist of protein, fruits, vegetables, whole grains and healthy fats. You could sneak some […]